How To Choose The Right Leather Size For Your Project


Leather hides are measured in square feet which refer to the TOTAL surface area.   Leather hides are naturally irregular and are different in shape and size.  The size does not refer to a linear measurement, like a square or rectangle.  

If you need specific measurements please do not hesitate in contacting me.  I am happy to help in choosing the correct size hide for your project. 

Leather Conversion from Yards to Square Feet:

Leather is generally measured in square feet (sq. ft.), unlike fabric which is usually measured in yards. The examples below can be used as guidelines to convert the yards into sq. ft.:

The pattern calls for 3 yards of 36" fabric.
Use a conversion factor of 9:
3 x 9 = 27
Add 20% 6
Total...33 sq. ft. needed.

The pattern calls for 3 yards of 45" fabric.
Use a conversion factor of 11:
3 x 11 = 33
Add 20% 7
Total....40 sq. ft. needed.

The pattern calls for 3 yards of 54" fabric.
Use a conversion factor of 13:
3 x 13 = 39
Add 20% 8
Total....47 sq. ft. needed.

Adding the 20% allows some extra to make up for imperfections, holes or any loss in cutting.