5 Summertime Leather Projects

Add a touch of sophistication to the changing season by upgrading your summer necessities with leather. Each of the DIY projects below are simple enough for a beginning leather craftsman, but can be customized for leather enthusiasts of all levels. From basic summer objects to indulgences in the finer things, this year step up your class with these custom-made leather products.


Beach Blanket Handle

You work tirelessly and diligently, and now its time to reward yourself with a trip to the beach.  Laying out in the sun is one of the most classic and relaxing pastimes, and requires just a few things; sun, sand, you, and a blanket.  This season, portage your beach blanket in style with a leather handle. This easy to make grip makes carrying your blanket a breeze, as you will undoubtedly need another hand to carry your cooler of drinks as well as the latest best selling novel.  Follow the complete tutorial here and be on your way to summer in style. 

Figure 1:Photo from apairandasparediy.com

Drink Sleeves

Whether its your morning coffee or a favorite brew during a fireworks show, keep your beverage at a proper temperature with a leather drink sleeve. Follow this simple tutorial to create your own custom sleeve. Your drink will stay warm or cold as it should, and your hand will not feel a thing.  Except for the smooth feel of leather, of course. The only problem you may have is that your friends are sure to be envious of you.

Figure 2: photo from liagriffith.com

Beverage Carrier

The time is half past noon, and you are slipping on your shoes and hat to head to the neighborhood BBQ.  You are in charge of bringing craft beverages, and now you have a choice to make. You can carry them in their usual cardboard container, or bring some sophistication to the party with a custom made leather beverage carrier.  Not only will the cold drinks have a cool ride, but you will get to show off your skilled craftmanship, a sure talking point around the grill. 

Tablet Protector

Some relaxing summer days are made complete with a good book in hand. Thanks to modern technology, tablets have made our summers much more convenient. While holding a plethora of summer reading options, tablets can also tell us the forecast and directions to the beach. The only problem is protecting our tablets from the elements of summer. A leather cover is just the answer for a convenient and customizable summer. Not only will your tablet be safe, but it will look great.   Leathers can be as vibrant as the snake print designs or as versatile as natural beige. Choose the type of leather you desire, have fun with the style, and have a carefree summer!

Figure4: Photo from www.instructables.com

Custom Coasters

Experience the magic touch leather coasters can add to your home. How can a thin disk make a difference you ask? Consider it an accent piece, and a functional one at that. Cut your coasters into custom shapes to match your party themes or summer décor.  Make these and they will surely elicit a “I love your décor” from every guest this summer. 

Figure 5: Photo from makezine.com

Don’t Forget the Sun Glasses!

Make sure to stop by the “Easy DIY Ideas for Beginners”and learn how to make a sun glasses case. It’s never too late to protect your sunglasses, after all you need them to protect you from the summer sun.


Have an Enjoyable Summer

Mix and match the material for the summer items above in different patterns, colors, and textures. At Leather Treasure Shop, we have a large variety of leathers to match any of your summer projects.


Do you have a favorite leather item that you love to use in the summer? Tell us below in the comments. We would love to hear from you!


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